Expressing Sequential Events in Korean Using '고 나서'

Understanding Sequential Events with ‘고 나서’

In Korean grammar, V + 고 나서 is a structure that describes two consecutive events. It emphasizes that the second action starts only after the first one is fully completed. This structure provides a clear sequence in which two events took place.

Illustrative Examples of ‘고 나서’ in Sentences

밥을 먹고 나서 집에 갔어요.
After eating a meal, I went home.
수업 끝나고 나서 뭐 할 거예요?
After class finishes, what will you do?
서울에 도착하고 나서 저는 옷을 사러 백화점에 갔어요.
After arriving in Seoul, I went to the department store to buy clothes.
하루 종일 공부하고 나서 책을 버리고 싶었어요.
After studying all day, I wanted to throw my books away.

In Conclusion

The ‘고 나서’ structure offers a clear way to express sequential events in Korean, ensuring that the listener understands the order in which actions took place. By familiarizing oneself with this pattern, Korean language learners can tell more cohesive and chronological stories or share their experiences more effectively.

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