When(ever) I do V: 을 때(마다)

을 때 is used to say ‘when I do V’. It is used in past and future tenses; note that in the past tense 았/었 must be added to the verb:

여행했을 때 저는 많이 친절한 사람을 만났어요.

When I was travelling I met a lot of kind people.

일번에 있을 때 저는 오사카에 방문할 거에요.

When I’m in Japan I will visit Osaka.

학교에 다녔을 때 이 학과를 공부하지 않았어요.

When I was in school we didn’t learn those subjects.

런던에 살았을 때 저는 항상 돈을 없었던 것 같아요.

When I lived in London it always seemed like I had no money.

대학교를 졸업할 때 뭐 할게요?

When you graduate from university, what will you do?

신천역에서는 도착할 때 열차를 내리고 3출구에 기다리세요.

When you arrive at Sincheon station, get off the train and wait at exit 3.

을 때마다 is used to say ’whenever I do V’:

밥을 먹을 때마다 먼저 물 한장 마셔요.

Whenever I eat dinner, I drink a glass of water first.

옷을 사러 백화점에 갈 때마다 큰 사이즈는 없어요.

Whenever I go to the department store to buy clothes, they don’t have big sizes.

고속버스로 탈 때마다 저는 안전벨트를 꼭 매요.

Whenever I travel by express bus, I fasten my safety belt securely.

술을 마실 때마다 저는 더 졸려요.

Whenever I drink alcohol I’m more sleepy.


매다 — to fasten (a belt)

크다 — to be big

술을 마시다 — to drink alcohol

졸리다 — to be sleepy

안전 — safe

꼭 — firmly, surely

학과 — school subject

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