How To Say What Someone Or Something's 'Called' In Korean

In Korean, N + 이라는 and its concise variant N + 이란 are employed to designate “the thing called…” or “something/someone named…“.

This grammar structure allows for a clear and specific reference to particular items, names, or titles.

Grammar Rule: N + 이라는 or N + 이란

Examples of (이)라는 & (이)란 in context

도서관 근처에 사과스토리란 새로운 카페 있어요.
There's a new cafe called Apple Story near the library.
지난 밤에 야구 경기에서 하나란 여자를 만났어요.
I met a girl called Hanna at the baseball game last night.
어제 민호이란 메시지를 남겼어요.
Someone called Minho left a message yesterday.
다음 주에 터널이란 영화를 발매될 거에요.
There's a movie called 'Tunnel' coming out next week.


The (이)라는 and (이)란 structures provide a nuanced method to specify or identify particular items or entities in the Korean language.

By mastering these patterns, learners can enhance the clarity of their expressions, making conversations more precise and context-rich.

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