How To Say 'Unless' In Korean (지 않는 한)

The grammar pattern A/V + 지 않는 한 translates to “unless” in English and is used to specify a condition that negates the main clause.

Usage notes

This structure is particularly useful when specifying conditions that must be met for something else to happen or to not happen.

Note that the condition comes before the main statement, connected with to form the ‘unless’ construction.

Example sentences

비가 그치지 않는 한 해변에 안 가요.
Unless it stops raining, I'm not going to the beach.
저에게 할인을 해주지 않는 한 사지 않을 거예요.
I won't buy it unless you give me a discount.
운동을 자주 하지 않는 한 체중이 늘 거예요.
Unless you exercise often, you'll put on weight.
사우디의 날씨는 항상 더워서 물을 많이 마시지 않는 한 금방 목이 마를 거예요.
Saudi weather is always hot, so unless you drink a lot of water, you will be dehydrated.
새치기를 하지 않는 한 표를 받을 수 없어요.
You won't get a ticket unless you jump the queue.


Understanding how to use 지 않는 한 can help you express conditions in a straightforward manner, adding complexity and nuance to your sentences.

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