How To Express Relief in Korean Using 기에 망정이지

The phrase V + 기에 망정이지 is a valuable Korean grammar construct used to express relief for having avoided a negative outcome.

This pattern often appears in conjunction with conditional expressions like 안 했더라면… 을 것이다 (‘if I hadn’t… I would have’) or 안 했더라면… 을 뻔했다 (‘if I hadn’t… I almost certainly would have’), emphasizing the gravity of the avoided situation.

Grammar Rule: Verb + 기에 망정이지

Examples of 기에 망정이지

Let’s explore how this grammar structure is used in sentences:

버스 아니라 지하철로 집에 갔기에 망정이지 안 했더라면 교통에 막힐 거예요.
It's a good thing that we took the subway instead of the bus -- if we didn't we'd be stuck in traffic.
열심히 공부를 했기에 망정이지 준비 안 했더라면 시험에 떨어질 뻔했어요.
It a good thing that we studied hard because otherwise we'd have almost certainly failed the test.
물병들을 가졍왔기에 망정이지 지금은 너무 더워서 안 했더라면 목이 마를 거예요.
It's a good thing that you brought water bottles otherwise we'd be really thirsty because now it's really hot.
돈을 저축했기에 망정이지 안 했더라면 비행기표를 못 살 뻔했어요.
It's a good job that we saved up otherwise we couldn't have afforded the plane tickets.
저에게 전화를 했기에 망정이지 안 했더라면 학교에 지각할 뻔했어요.
It's a good thing that you called me otherwise I'd have been late for school.
휴대폰을 충전했기에 안 했더라면 식당을 못 찾을 뻔했어요.
It's a good job you charged your phone or we'd never have found that restaurant.
지도를 가져왔기에 망정이지 인터넷 연결을 못해서 길을 잃어버릴 뻔했어요.
It's a good job you brought a map since there's no internet connection -- otherwise we'd have been lost.


기에 망정이지 is an essential structure for expressing relief in Korean, particularly when reflecting on how negative outcomes were narrowly avoided.

Its use in various contexts enriches your understanding of nuanced emotional expressions in Korean.

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