Describing Frequent Bad Habits In Korean With '기 일쑤이다'

The Korean grammar structure ‘V + 기 일쑤이다’ allows speakers to discuss recurring habits, especially ones that might be seen in a negative light.

It is akin to saying “always” or “often” in English when referring to habits.

The variations 기 일쑤다, 기가 일쑤다, and 기가 일쑤이다 all carry the same meaning. Below are some examples to illustrate its usage.

Dialogue samples using 기 일쑤이다

기 일쑤이다 is an effective way to highlight repetitive behaviors, particularly those not seen favorably:

고등학교 때 오래달리기 하는 것을 피하려고 체육 시간에 결석하기 일쑤였어요.
In high school, I used to truant PE classes to avoid long-distance running.
당신은 술에 취해 있을 때마다 늘 난폭하게 행동하기 일쑤예요.
Whenever you're drunk, you always behave violently.
학교 다닐 때 공부하기 싫어해서 시험 전날 밤에 항상 벼락치기로 공부하기 일쑤였어요.
When I was in school I hated studying, so I always crammed the night before exams.
그는 다른 사람에게 항상 책임을 전가하기 일쑤예요.
He is always passing the buck to others.
친구는 약속에 늦게 오기 일쑤예요.
My friend is often late for appointments.
동료들 앞에서 프레젠테이션을 하면 너무 긴장되어서 머리카락을 만지작거리기 일쑤예요.
When I make presentations in front of my colleagues, I often fidget with my hair due to nervousness.
젊을 때는 저축하는 대신에 돈을 물 쓰듯 하기 일쑤였어요.
When I was young, I would spend recklessly instead of saving.
가족 모임에 참석할 때마다 누나랑 말싸움하기 일쑤예요.
Whenever I attend family gatherings, I often argue with my sister.

The expression ‘기 일쑤이다’ offers a concise way to depict repetitive behaviors or habits, especially the ones that might be perceived negatively.

Understanding its proper usage can assist learners in conveying patterns or routines that occur frequently, enabling more nuanced and expressive conversations in Korean.

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