I can't afford to V: (ㄹ/을) 여유가 없다

V + ㄹ/을 여유가 없다 or N + 여유가 없다 indicates that you don’t have the time, money, resources or inclination to complete an action:

외식할 여유가 없어요.

I can’t afford to eat out.

집을 살 여유가 없어요.

I can’t afford to buy a house.

잠시라도 정신 집중을 늦출 여유가 없어요.

I can’t afford to lose concentration — even for a second.

그는 등록금을 지불할 여유가 없어요.

I can’t afford to pay my tuition fees.

젊을 때 유학할 여유가 없었어요.

When I was young, I couldn’t afford to study abroad.

우리는 기다릴 여유가 없어요.

We can’t afford to wait.

당신은 학교에 빛을 갚을 여유가 없어요.

I can’t afford to repay my school debt.

우린 시간낭비할 여유가 없어요.

We can’t afford to waste time.

우리는 온난화를 무시할 여유가 없어요.

We can’t afford to ignore global warming.

우리는 시간적 여유가 없어요.

We don’t have time to spare.

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