How To Say 'It Would Be Fine If...' In Korean ((으)면 몰라도)

The Korean grammar structure A/V/N(으)면 몰라도 is used to contemplate situations different from reality, often in a negative way.

This can be translated roughly to “it would be different/fine/another story if… but”.


어린이면 몰라도, 왜 저의 자녀가 어른이 되어서도 가정에서 살기를 원하겠어요?
If my children were young that'd be one thing, but why would I want them to live with me when they are adults?
젊은 사람이면 몰라도 마라톤을 마칠 리가 없어요.
It wouldn't be a problem if I was young, but there's no way I can run a marathon now.
바로 나갈 수 있으면 몰라도 6시에 퇴근하면 차가 꼭 막히겠어요.
It would be fine if I could go now, but if I leave the office at six I'll be stuck in traffic.
장학금을 받았으면 몰라도 대출을 받지 않은 한 어떻게 학비를 낼 수 있으니까?
It'd be fine if I'd received a scholarship but how can I pay such high school fees without taking out a loan?
한국어를 잘 읽을 수 있으면 몰라도, 어떻께 서류를 이해할 수 있어요?
It would be fine if I could read Korean well but seeing as that's not the case, how will I understand this document?
슈퍼맨이면 몰라도 이 무거운 것을 어떻게 들어올릴까?
It'd be fine if I were Superman, but how am I supposed to carry this heavy thing?
누가 도와주면 몰라도, 혼자서는 못해요.
If I had help I'd be able to do it, but I can't do it alone.
부자이면 몰라도 지금은 그 명품 제켓을 살 리가 없어요.
It'd be a different story if I was rich, but how am I going to afford that designer jacket now?


The A/V/N(으)면 몰라도 structure allows you to convey hypothetical situations in a negative way.

It’s a helpful way to express that a situation could be different if only certain conditions were met.

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