How To Say It's Futile Or There's No Point In Korean (봤자)

In Korean, the grammatical structure A/V+ 해 봤자 is a powerful means to convey the idea that an action or situation is futile.

Often paired with 소용없다 (it’s of no use) or 안 되다 (it can’t be done), this form emphasizes the inevitable or unchangeable nature of a given circumstance.

Example sentences

그에게 말해 봤자 소용없어요. 그는 듣지 않아요.
It's no use talking to him. He doesn't listen.
지금 지하철역에 가 봤자 막차는 이미 출발 했을 거예요.
There's no point in going to the subway station now; the last train will have already departed.
청소해 봤자 아이들이 오자마자 금방 더러워질 거에요.
It's futile to clean; it'll just become messy again as soon as the kids arrive.
아무리 노력해 봤자 안 돼요.
No matter how hard you try, it won't work.
매표소에 가 봤자 표가 매진되어 버렸을 거예요.
There's no use in going to the ticket booth; the tickets are likely already sold out.
그 남자를 안 좋아하는 척해 봤자 아무도 말을 믿지 않아요.
There's no point in pretending not to like that guy; no one believes you anyway.
그 여자와 얘기해 봤자 시간낭비에요.
Talking to her is a waste of time.
아무리 여기서 기다려 봤자 그 여자는 오지 않을 거예요.
It's pointless to wait here; she won't come.

Using A/V+ 해 봤자 in daily conversations is a concise way to express the inevitability or pointlessness of a situation or action.

It’s a structure that can efficiently capture the nuances of the speaker’s feelings toward a particular situation.

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